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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Today is Monday, November 29th

Started out like any normal Monday...9:30 AM final walk through for the 1031 exchange which closes tomorrow and I decided to go see T at Dominican Hospital.  ahhh fate...  so, I was in his room when Dr. Deepa arrived and she wanted to check a few things first, but she thought that it would be advisable for T to leave.  He was stabilized, white cell count back up to 4.5 and he was hydrated... staying in the hospital any longer would just expose him to some very sick people so, we said YAY!!!  Let's go!!!  I knew it would take awhile so, I ran an errand and came back only to fatefully find a parking space in the back of the hospital...

Several hours later, the orders were still incomplete... I started checking and we noticed that there were an awful lot of helicopters buzzing the hospital and we kept hearing sirens... finally, a nurse informed us that the hospital was on lock down.  The story we heard was that a jail prisoner had come to the hospital for an MRI and when his shackles were removed for the MRI;  he over powered his female guard, took her gun and tazed her.  Then he escaped.  Of course, the fact that he was 6' 7, over 300 lbs. & dressed in a yellow jumpsuit should have pretty clearly identified him as a fugitive of some kind. .. don't ya think?   So, while this crazy guy went snooping around the neighborhood looking for a place to hide, we were a captive audience.  The sheriffs, cops and CHP were hunting their prey and we were stuck...  now why a lone woman was guarding this giant criminal is a very good question and why she'd unshackle this guy without back up is another good question...

We were finally able to leave the hospital about 4:00 PM because luckily our car was parked in the back of the hospital.  The entire front parking lot was a crime scene but we were finally free!!!  We headed home for some hot turkey open faced sandwiches by way of CVS pharmacy...armed with lomitil...  home at last!!!  What a day!!!


  1. Dear A&T,

    Wow you have both been on some incredible roller coaster ride. Thank God you finally made it off. Tracy, keep up the good fight at getting stronger...and we will keep you both in our prayers. Remember those that matter don't mind...those that mind don't matter. Words from our priet at Sunday mass. Pretty good A.
    Love ya lots,

  2. What timing. I heard about the drama at the hospital. You could have ended up on an episode of Cops. Glad your feeling better and happy you are back home.

    Big hugs
