Thank you all for your efforts and your sacrifices that have allowed us to survive and thrive!!!
I feel very thankful today! My life has been very full of late. Started out about a week ago with Jayne & I heading down to Carmel for a couple days.... that was a chance to get away from the routine and relax a bit... we stayed at the Cobblestone Inn and loved this bed & breakfast!!! Highly recommend it! We enjoyed the cozy room with fireplace; the location which was walking distance to everything and the breakfast & afternoon happy hour of wine and hor d'oeurves were fabulous! They even put sherry and almond dabs out before bedtime.
On the way out of town, we stopped at the beach to admire it's beautiful white sand and turquoise water... we lucked out on weather too! Before we left the area, we stopped to admire Clint's Mission Ranch and then, the Carmel Valley Ranch... wow!!! That's a spa plus salt water pool to sink into ...
The week sped by filled with lots of trauma around the sale of 320 Rio del Mar Blvd.... tough when you deal with an out of town relocation company and sellers who have no interest in their home anymore.... 1028 Jungfrau Court is speeding along towards close of escrow and finally, we may be getting to some kind of agreement on 282 Aptos Beach Dr... patience is a virtue... which I always seem to be short of...
Speaking of patience... I dropped my MacBook Pro twice last year in T's hospital room... T was able to get it working again somehow but I've been having a lot of trouble with it over the last year. Well, the Apple genius bar folks determined that my hard drive was the cause of my issues. So, they replaced it twice on Sat. The first time we waited for it. When the new drive failed, we decided we'd come back on Sun. to pick it up... after T had all his curls cut off... awww I loved his curls but 'spose they'll grow back. So, now I can't get my laptop to work at all with the wireless system at home. Apple is closed today so, tomorrow patience will rule.
I'm content with life and starting to see that we're coming full circle... Tracy is coming back to the land of the living slowly but surely... on May 18th, we saw Dr. Recht, the neuro-oncologist who smiled when I interpreted his medicalese by simply stating that we'd have to think long and hard before they drilled a hole in T's head to drain the fluid around his brain. T agreed that it probably wouldn't happen and that he'd probably stop complaining about his headaches long before he submitted to that procedure. Well, on Fri, past we saw Bruno again and he called Tracy "a delicate flower" ... can you imagine? who would ever call Tracy a delicate flower? I was instantly caught between laughing and being aghast. Bruno was trying to say that Tracy was very sensitive to any change in treatment. So, while T levels out... his white cell count was steady at 2.8 (normal is 4-11) Bruno said he was going to give our T a break. Bruno is traveling over the next month to Japan to speak for 5 days at a Hematology Forum. That gives T a 6 week window this time... maybe he'll bounce back up all the way to 4! In any case, T can even go to Dr. Wu in the interim for his labs and to check in with our local hero. So, I asked if we could put T on a plane and Bruno said "YES"!!! I'm a happy gal! He said we can even go to a club to hear some jazz!!! Now slowly but surely, we're going to get normal... all we have to do is get his headaches to stop....
We were invited to a barbecue at Matt & Jeanette's on Sun. but T has had a headache since Fri. that wouldn't quit. Poor thing.. so we asked for a raincheck.
T seems to be better today... I made lemonade from our Meyer lemons... reminds me of an old saying...
Happy Memorial Day!!!!
About Me

- AnneMarie
- Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Today is Saturday, May 19th
We seem to have come into our own... I'm feeling more comfortable with myself and my responsibilities. Maybe it's cause I've learned not to be afraid to open my mouth as long as I speak from my heart. Today has been one of those wonderful relaxing bright beautifully sunny days on the coast.... starting with a stroll and play time on the beach with our jumping Jack Riley. Then, brunch just the two of us at Red Apple cafe... mmmm with enough leftovers to feed Riley as treats 3 times over. On to have my hair cut & colored by Michael and be witness to his evolution into more of his creative self from the negative place he's been. In a little while we'll have dinner with Jim & Linda in Tuscany... what a wonderful day...
and in between I've done some business.... 1028 Jungfrau Ct. is now pending and will close in a couple weeks. My listing at 320 Rio del Mar Blvd. should move to pending also by Tues. and hopefully, we're going to get an answer soon from the bank on Carol's short sale purchase of 282 Aptos Beach Dr. Lots more happening and I'll be better able to handle it all upon my return from 2 days of total downtime with Jayne in Carmel...
So, now I'm ready to load some praise onto our niece, Maren McAvoy... Just promoted to a full bird COLONEL!!!! Maren is this amazing young woman of incredible accomplishments!!! There isn't a goal she can't attain in this world... She's gorgeous and nice, has a JD, passed the MD. bar exam, (we made it to her graduation from St. Mary's University School of Law in 1999), has a black belt, is a pilot, a diver, was an intelligence officer and actually was the deputy J-1 for the Presidential inauguration in 2009 of Barak Obama. She holds down a full time position with the GAO in addition to her position as Director of Personnel, A1 at the Joint Force Headquarters, District of Columbia Air National Guard. Next stop, for Colonel McAvoy will be General and that's unbelievable!!!! What a truly inspiritional young woman!!! We are very proud of this fine young lady and hope to see her sometime soon. I hope she's happy... she certainly deserves it!
Meanwhile, I've just done my third Relay for Life this past Thursday night. The Sereno Group sponsored a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament at Chris Trapani's Monte Sereno home. What an absolute gas! I'd never played Texas Hold'em and was a little apprehensive about going on my own and playing a game I had no prior knowledge of but it was pure unadulterated fun!!! and all the proceeds went to the American Cancer Society!! A cause near and dear to my heart...
So, now relax and enjoy Sat. night... we're walking over to Tuscany....
and in between I've done some business.... 1028 Jungfrau Ct. is now pending and will close in a couple weeks. My listing at 320 Rio del Mar Blvd. should move to pending also by Tues. and hopefully, we're going to get an answer soon from the bank on Carol's short sale purchase of 282 Aptos Beach Dr. Lots more happening and I'll be better able to handle it all upon my return from 2 days of total downtime with Jayne in Carmel...
So, now I'm ready to load some praise onto our niece, Maren McAvoy... Just promoted to a full bird COLONEL!!!! Maren is this amazing young woman of incredible accomplishments!!! There isn't a goal she can't attain in this world... She's gorgeous and nice, has a JD, passed the MD. bar exam, (we made it to her graduation from St. Mary's University School of Law in 1999), has a black belt, is a pilot, a diver, was an intelligence officer and actually was the deputy J-1 for the Presidential inauguration in 2009 of Barak Obama. She holds down a full time position with the GAO in addition to her position as Director of Personnel, A1 at the Joint Force Headquarters, District of Columbia Air National Guard. Next stop, for Colonel McAvoy will be General and that's unbelievable!!!! What a truly inspiritional young woman!!! We are very proud of this fine young lady and hope to see her sometime soon. I hope she's happy... she certainly deserves it!
Meanwhile, I've just done my third Relay for Life this past Thursday night. The Sereno Group sponsored a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament at Chris Trapani's Monte Sereno home. What an absolute gas! I'd never played Texas Hold'em and was a little apprehensive about going on my own and playing a game I had no prior knowledge of but it was pure unadulterated fun!!! and all the proceeds went to the American Cancer Society!! A cause near and dear to my heart...
So, now relax and enjoy Sat. night... we're walking over to Tuscany....
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Today is Tuesday, May15th
I'm finally giving in... I'm going to Carmel for 2 days with Jayne. I need a little down time. Yahoo!
Biz is gr8 (just closed 104 Angora Lane, have 320 Rio del Mar & 282 Aptos Beach Dr. & 1028 Jungfrau Ct., Milpitas- that's another story- 25 offers & it went way over list price- in contract) & Tracy is holding his own although the headaches are sometimes worse. We see his neuro-oncologist & he has another MRI this Fri.. & next Fri yet another round of Stanford treatment & Bruno.
I'll be playing in a Sereno Group sponsored Relay for Life Poker Tournament Thurs evening in Los Gatos. All $$ raised goes to the fight against this wretched disease-cancer. Our dear friends, Roddy and Carol are holding their own in their enormous struggles with the Big C.
I just finished walking our entire Rio del Mar neighborhood for Zach Friend. Great candidate, the ONLY real candidate running for 2nd District County Supervisor. It's been a pretty nasty race with all kinds of conspiracy stuff - Agenda 21 & crazies strutting their stuff. Hopefully, people really talk to the candidates & get the straight story. Don't forget to vote June 5th!!!
Life is pretty full & I'm happy but I'm looking forward to a couple days of down time Sun -Tues. Tracy & Riley will hold down the fort while I'm gone...
Keep sending that white healing light to surround us please...
Biz is gr8 (just closed 104 Angora Lane, have 320 Rio del Mar & 282 Aptos Beach Dr. & 1028 Jungfrau Ct., Milpitas- that's another story- 25 offers & it went way over list price- in contract) & Tracy is holding his own although the headaches are sometimes worse. We see his neuro-oncologist & he has another MRI this Fri.. & next Fri yet another round of Stanford treatment & Bruno.
I'll be playing in a Sereno Group sponsored Relay for Life Poker Tournament Thurs evening in Los Gatos. All $$ raised goes to the fight against this wretched disease-cancer. Our dear friends, Roddy and Carol are holding their own in their enormous struggles with the Big C.
I just finished walking our entire Rio del Mar neighborhood for Zach Friend. Great candidate, the ONLY real candidate running for 2nd District County Supervisor. It's been a pretty nasty race with all kinds of conspiracy stuff - Agenda 21 & crazies strutting their stuff. Hopefully, people really talk to the candidates & get the straight story. Don't forget to vote June 5th!!!
Life is pretty full & I'm happy but I'm looking forward to a couple days of down time Sun -Tues. Tracy & Riley will hold down the fort while I'm gone...
Keep sending that white healing light to surround us please...
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today is Mother's Day 2012 and I sincerely hope that all you Moms are being feted and celebrated!!!
My Mom passed on May 26th, 1996 and we weren't ready to have her go... Are you ever really ready to lose your Mom?
I'll never forget that morning... We had been to Connecticut the previous weekend to spend good quality time with Mom and to search for a new retirement living home for her. We had finally convinced Mom that it was time to let go of our family home. She had survived a terribly lonely winter deluged by 11 snow storms... shut in by the snow, deprived of company... Mom had visited with us for 6 weeks between Nov. and Dec. ( thank God we planned our wedding around her visit) and then again in the new year but she was a social being and living alone in her Cape Cod home (with too many floors) was taking its toll.
I called Mom every morning and we'd chat about all manner of things. Funny how you become friends with your parents in later years... I adored her spunk and her ability to "just do it"... and a lot of other things about that wonderful loving soul... and so, I'd spoken with Mom early the day before about our plan to go diving in Carmel Bay on the Monterey coast that Sat., May 25th. It was to be my first cold water dive in the Pacific and I was yah, apprehensive to say the least. Wearing a rented wetsuit and jumping off a boat in 10' seas was a little unnerving... Mom teased me about me being a daredevil... but I figured out that day that I'd prefer to be a warm water diver. Anyway, I called Mom early on the 26th par usual. I remember telling her I loved her many times that morning.... I was compelled and didn't know why. Do we ever know why we say or do some things? I repeatedly said "Mom, I love you" as I related the perilous dive trip and the fact that I survived... and my resolve that I probably preferred warm water diving from now on.... We spoke of what Mom was going to do that day... She'd decided that she needed a Sunday paper and some red grapes. I asked her if she was going to go get some Chinese food (her favorite treat) and she said she hadn't decided. I told her that I loved her again and said good bye.
Several hours later, I was sitting at my desk facing Tracy at his desk when the phone rang. So many things went through my head as I picked up the receiver. Shar was calling. We exchanged hellos and then, Shar said "Mom's gone." I said "You're kidding" and she said, "No"... and I began to scream, NOOOOOOOO.... I kept thinking that if I hadn't picked up the phone...
I miss her every day...I had a hard time eating red grapes after that. There are days where I wear her rings or like Fri. when I wore her beautiful flower pin...her jewelry brings her essence to me. I feel her strength when I wear her things... she helped me through the last year... I know she lives on in me and I only hope I do her justice...
Love you Mom and the memories....
My Mom passed on May 26th, 1996 and we weren't ready to have her go... Are you ever really ready to lose your Mom?
I'll never forget that morning... We had been to Connecticut the previous weekend to spend good quality time with Mom and to search for a new retirement living home for her. We had finally convinced Mom that it was time to let go of our family home. She had survived a terribly lonely winter deluged by 11 snow storms... shut in by the snow, deprived of company... Mom had visited with us for 6 weeks between Nov. and Dec. ( thank God we planned our wedding around her visit) and then again in the new year but she was a social being and living alone in her Cape Cod home (with too many floors) was taking its toll.
I called Mom every morning and we'd chat about all manner of things. Funny how you become friends with your parents in later years... I adored her spunk and her ability to "just do it"... and a lot of other things about that wonderful loving soul... and so, I'd spoken with Mom early the day before about our plan to go diving in Carmel Bay on the Monterey coast that Sat., May 25th. It was to be my first cold water dive in the Pacific and I was yah, apprehensive to say the least. Wearing a rented wetsuit and jumping off a boat in 10' seas was a little unnerving... Mom teased me about me being a daredevil... but I figured out that day that I'd prefer to be a warm water diver. Anyway, I called Mom early on the 26th par usual. I remember telling her I loved her many times that morning.... I was compelled and didn't know why. Do we ever know why we say or do some things? I repeatedly said "Mom, I love you" as I related the perilous dive trip and the fact that I survived... and my resolve that I probably preferred warm water diving from now on.... We spoke of what Mom was going to do that day... She'd decided that she needed a Sunday paper and some red grapes. I asked her if she was going to go get some Chinese food (her favorite treat) and she said she hadn't decided. I told her that I loved her again and said good bye.
Several hours later, I was sitting at my desk facing Tracy at his desk when the phone rang. So many things went through my head as I picked up the receiver. Shar was calling. We exchanged hellos and then, Shar said "Mom's gone." I said "You're kidding" and she said, "No"... and I began to scream, NOOOOOOOO.... I kept thinking that if I hadn't picked up the phone...
I miss her every day...I had a hard time eating red grapes after that. There are days where I wear her rings or like Fri. when I wore her beautiful flower pin...her jewelry brings her essence to me. I feel her strength when I wear her things... she helped me through the last year... I know she lives on in me and I only hope I do her justice...
Love you Mom and the memories....
Monday, May 7, 2012
Today is Sunday, May 6th
I am crazy busy and thanking God for it all... but so sorry I'm not keeping up with my blog. I finally realize I'm not superhuman.... so, first Tracy...
Our man has had a tough week and consequently, it's been tough living with him. He's been impossible but he's also been having more pain and headaches...and unfortunately, he ran out of Norontin. CVS was told by Blue Shield that they couldn't renew his prescription until Tues. and T had been out of the meds for a day already (unbeknownst to me). When T emailed Janell @Stanford Fri., it bounced cause she's not back in until Mon. So, yesterday, I took over, paged the on duty hematologist and explained that as the prescription was written, T had exceeded his allotment (altho' the docs had said he could increase as much as needed). Now CVS wasn't getting the message & I'd enlisted Linda's help to pick up T's meds cause I was enroute to an open house in Milpitas & T had been dozing when I left. Linda & then, T ended up wrangling with the pharmacist and getting it filled & covered by insurance. I have to say I was instantly ballistic cause no insurance co. should be able to dictate what meds a patient needs or when!!! Luckily, Linda & T prevailed and I vented and no animals were injured in the process. So, T was not feeling well when he finally got the meds and ended up having a very hard time 'til his body evened out..
Today T seems more like himself. Thank God!!! We were able to meet Deanna & Gary's new grandbaby and hang out in Saratoga with our extended family while I fielded 25 offers for my new Milpitas listing. Funny, I thought we only had 15 and then, after finally checking all my email accounts - there were another 8. We countered 4 and made my wonderful clients very happy! I was able to meet them in our Los Gatos office to review the offers. Background on why I took a Milpitas listing: I sold these referred clients a small home on a 9300 sq' lot in the Cambrian area of San Jose almost 3 years ago. Their intention was to remodel the new home and move in within 6 months. Well, as we all know remodels never complete on time or on budget so, they moved into their new home about a week ago. I put their Milpitas home on the MLS Thurs about 4:30 and my phone hasn't stopped ringing. Would you believe there were over 100 people through my open house on Sat.? Phew! We should be in contract by tomorrow evening....AND while all this was going on, I received another offer for 320 Rio Del Mar Blvd. this evening too! What a day!
Business has been incredible... ratcheting up as I take this Brian Buffini class which is reinvigorating me... I had 3 listing appointments this past week and I'm amazed! Only caveat: I would love to take a couple days off very soon and just be pampered... a spa would be ideal... massaged and fed and healthy exercise... I'll have to see what I can schedule and soon.
Life is what we make it and this is it!!! Today and this very moment is all that we really have... make the most of it!
Carpe diem!
Our man has had a tough week and consequently, it's been tough living with him. He's been impossible but he's also been having more pain and headaches...and unfortunately, he ran out of Norontin. CVS was told by Blue Shield that they couldn't renew his prescription until Tues. and T had been out of the meds for a day already (unbeknownst to me). When T emailed Janell @Stanford Fri., it bounced cause she's not back in until Mon. So, yesterday, I took over, paged the on duty hematologist and explained that as the prescription was written, T had exceeded his allotment (altho' the docs had said he could increase as much as needed). Now CVS wasn't getting the message & I'd enlisted Linda's help to pick up T's meds cause I was enroute to an open house in Milpitas & T had been dozing when I left. Linda & then, T ended up wrangling with the pharmacist and getting it filled & covered by insurance. I have to say I was instantly ballistic cause no insurance co. should be able to dictate what meds a patient needs or when!!! Luckily, Linda & T prevailed and I vented and no animals were injured in the process. So, T was not feeling well when he finally got the meds and ended up having a very hard time 'til his body evened out..
Today T seems more like himself. Thank God!!! We were able to meet Deanna & Gary's new grandbaby and hang out in Saratoga with our extended family while I fielded 25 offers for my new Milpitas listing. Funny, I thought we only had 15 and then, after finally checking all my email accounts - there were another 8. We countered 4 and made my wonderful clients very happy! I was able to meet them in our Los Gatos office to review the offers. Background on why I took a Milpitas listing: I sold these referred clients a small home on a 9300 sq' lot in the Cambrian area of San Jose almost 3 years ago. Their intention was to remodel the new home and move in within 6 months. Well, as we all know remodels never complete on time or on budget so, they moved into their new home about a week ago. I put their Milpitas home on the MLS Thurs about 4:30 and my phone hasn't stopped ringing. Would you believe there were over 100 people through my open house on Sat.? Phew! We should be in contract by tomorrow evening....AND while all this was going on, I received another offer for 320 Rio Del Mar Blvd. this evening too! What a day!
Business has been incredible... ratcheting up as I take this Brian Buffini class which is reinvigorating me... I had 3 listing appointments this past week and I'm amazed! Only caveat: I would love to take a couple days off very soon and just be pampered... a spa would be ideal... massaged and fed and healthy exercise... I'll have to see what I can schedule and soon.
Life is what we make it and this is it!!! Today and this very moment is all that we really have... make the most of it!
Carpe diem!
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