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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today is Monday, September 9th

In my life, there is nothing so constant as change...  unfolding, swirling emotional twists...

I need to rant about this new proposal from this otherwise sane administration as we approach the anniversary of 9/11.  How could anyone look at bombing Syria seriously?  The sides are abominable- Hezbollah or Al Queda?  Who cares?  Let them work it out themselves... I've read that this wasn't the first time they've gassed their own people and I wonder why at this juncture, we would want to get involved.  Our most important allies in the United Nations aren't willing to get involved.  The Arab nations are perfectly willing to stay out of it.  Why us?  Why now?

I cannot see where bombing Syria solves anything.  If we truly look at the consequences... I believe that it's a 'here we go again' war in a place we don't belong with enemies that would love to retaliate.  The USA doesn't need to be the world's peace keeper.  The United Nations should be serving in that role.

We accomplish nothing by bombing Syria!!!  Other than, another involvement in a place we don't belong with abundant enemies and no true friends and a lot to lose.  Have we NOT learned our lessons with Viet Nam, Afghanistan and Iraq????

Will someone stand up and speak the truth?!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Wow!  What an amazing trip it's been... sometimes I need to remind myself that it is the journey not the reward...

As we wind into Indian summer, I'm thinking about all the lessons that life brings us.  The balmy nights remind me of growing up on the East coast where we squeezed every last moment from the summer 'cause we knew winter was on it's way...

A high school friend and his wife, David & Donna Cosenza are visiting from Connecticut and it's been a delight to catch up with them.  Jayne, David and I were on the reminiscing trail on Sunday at a delicious BBQ complete with mariachis...  we also toasted Tom's continuing recovery from his Cancer bout...Yay Tom!!!

Gary & Deanna hosted us @ Shakespeare Santa Cruz in the Glen Sat. night.... Taming of the Shrew was well done and marked the end of the season and hopefully, NOT the end of the program.  A sudden announcement this past week that the program was under financed and that the university had decided not to continue their underwriting shocked the community.  We'll see where this goes...

Sometimes I wonder why some lessons are so hard... am I not listening?

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor day weekend now... Get back to work!!!

Ha! Ha!