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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today is Wednesday, December 1st

OK so, here we are again at Stanford... we're becoming hospital experts and so far, Stanford wins hands down!!!  

Tracy became ill before I came home last night (was he trying to tell me something?) just once but once is enough!  He ate dinner slowly and just rested for hours...still having to run for the throne every couple hours, even though he's taking lomitil.  He looked pretty ill last night and he looked really poorly this morning... enough so, that it brought me to tears... I can't stand seeing him so ill.  His stomach is so distended; he looks like he's 8 months pregnant.  He had a hard time putting on his socks, never mind his shoes...he wore his slippers er boats instead.  I don't think we can handle much more of this... and now relief.  Bruno agrees.  I was ready to plead.  T will be readmitted as soon as they can find him a bed.  T is so oxygen deprived, he's hypoxic (I just relocated the dictionary application to my dock with my T's guidance for easier use.  I wasn't quite sure of the spelling, until I looked it up; but old spelling bee champ had it right.. hee hee).  

T has had a hard day.  Each time he's walked (downstairs at home to the garage, from the car to the Cancer Center, from the clinic to the cafeteria) he's become progressively weaker.  I finally asked the angel masquerading as the Concierge for a wheel chair for my honey.  She was so sensitive and so caring and she knows where everything in the hospital or surroundings is... what a great gal!!  I'd like to get to know her...

So, here we sit in the Peterson lounge around the corner from his new room.  He'll be back where they will figure it out!  He's fighting something and no one has been able to figure it out so far.  Thank God, we trust that these learned souls will.  All the tests for those nasty bacteria turned out negative.   His white cell count is back down to 1.4 and that means he's neutrapenic again.... he has no immune resistence so, he's back to wearing his mask and he's breathing very heavily.  The only way to figure this out is to have him in a controlled environment where he will have care around the clock.  His life is in their hands and oh, what talented hands they are... keep your prayers and white light coming, please.  We both cherish all those shoulders that we lean on ..... I'm about talked out.  I'll be heading home in awhile....his room is ready for him...


  1. No offence to Dominican but I am glad he is in stanford.. THEY will make him better..

    White Light - For U T.

  2. Hey Tracy,

    I'm glad that your in good hands and that your back at Stanford those people know their %@*&. Our prayers are on going for the both of you just like the white light that is surrounding you.
    Much love to you both,

  3. Hey Guys,

    Mom just sent me a text today while I was in class (learning about chemo), that Tracy was back at Stanford. I hope they figure out what is going on soon. My finals are over on Saturday so I'll try to come and see you guys right after that, even if it means that I have to come visit in a giant bubble.
