Sunday, December 12th
So, what do you do on an absolutely beautiful day at the coast?? Watch the niners beat the crap out of the Seahawks!!!! and love every moment... So, as I was about to serve up the scrambled eggs, bacon & toast, Deanna & Gary called and asked if we were gonna watch the game... whaddayathink? We were getting ready and T was jonesin' for a big juicy burger at half time so, Dee offered to stop & get a pound of sirloin for my honey & buns & chips & avocados. With hand wash & masks at the front door, we greeted Dee, Gary & Jayne and all was well at the Macanelli's....T had his medium rare burger (done just right by yours truly) & the rest of us ate turkey burgers, only after we consumed the guacamole that Dee so expertly made. We cheered the niners on to eviscerate Seattle as Riley, the wonder dog, constantly on the lookout for a tug mate, continuously drooled while staring at those juicy burgers... hoping against hope for a dropped morsel or a volunteer. We were surrounded by piles of Christmas decorations yet no one seemed to mind.... and T, trying to get comfortable, moved the ottoman and found my specs ... where they were still in one piece... thank God!
Tracy, Deanna & Gary |
T & A |
The Macanelli's |
Afterward, Gary assisted Tracy by replacing his audio speakers in the music room and then, it was time for T to rest. Gary & Deanna left... Jayne had left before the end of the game and T relaxed.
I finally attacked the tree and the trimmings with the determination to finish or have to wade through all those boxes again tomorrow.... oh no... not again. So with Dallas vs the Eagles ( I don't know who I detest more, I guess Dallas wins) & then, 60 Minutes in the background.. I finally trimmed the tree. Only broke one of my favorite ornaments..oh well... I promised Tracy I would pare down since we no longer trim a 9' tree; so I now have a box of ornaments and Christmas cheer to share with Goodwill.
My T is relaxed and ready for a shower and bed... the Macanelli's are home for the holidays...
Trac, You look GREAT! Looks like your swelling has subsided.. if that is the case.... GREAT! Glad you are enjoying juicy burgers! and love your infectious smile!! Keep on Keepin on!!!