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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Today is Friday, December 17th

Tracy corrected our contracted name yesterday.  It should read McAnelli!!!  Makes much more sense!  More later... I'm gonna try to go back to sleep... so much for that...

I awoke to a cry for help from Gini.  Her LA friend, Anne, a first time home buyer, had been represented by a less than stellar agent who also represented the seller, the bank.  This duplicitous agency would be her downfall.  Dual agency is very difficult to perform well.  Seasoned agents have a hard time with it. Her agent DID NOT perform his fiduciary responsibility for Anne, the buyer.  The agency created for representation of Anne was a sham.  This deal was a nightmare. Escrow had closed on Dec. 1st.  Anne was being raked over the coals by her inexperienced bungling agent & the despondent, crazy former owner who'd lost his home and now wouldn't vacate the premises or take any of his numerous cars and crap with him.  Anne had been warned by the police not to anger this guy because he could destroy the house while he still had the keys.  Anne had finally enlisted the help of a family friend attorney, who didn't practice real estate law so, she wanted any ethics, agency info I could send.  After firmly stating that Anne needed an experienced real estate attorney, I sent Gini all the rules & regs from the National & Ca. Assoc. of Realtors websites while eating breakfast.  There is so much wrong with this deal that I'm compelled to stay in the loop from the sidelines...stay tuned.

While Tracy read the paper peacefully, I raced to have my hair styled by the unflappable, Michael.  I only wish my hair could look this good when I do it, course that would require my actually doing something with it other than washing it.  Oh well, I just don't have the hair gene thing. So after being fussed and flattered, I swung home to pick up my hero, T, and we started slogging our way to Stanford.  In the interim, I'd received the counter offer from the bank for my S'vale listing, a request for a marketing analysis on a Seascape condo on Sat. and checked on the incoming offer on the Corralitos listing.  The rain was pelting our chariot and the roads became slick parking lots but we made it.. only 15 min. late.  

As we waited for an available chair in the lab/infusion area, I put together the Counter Offer and emailed it, the wonders of technology...

Tracy's white cell count = 2.7, better but not as high as we hoped.  Bruno was pleased but cautious.  Instead of pouncing onto the next stage of chemo, Bruno wants to see that Tracy is stronger so, weekly labs until the 7th. Then the decision will be made to start that next dose of hell.  We're relieved.

As we traveled back over the hill, I marveled at our cruising in heavy rain & traffic without a hitch until the cursed Hiway 1... screeching to a halt or accelerating to 5 mph all the way home to our beloved Rio Del Mar.  Stopping briefly for T to give himself a Neupogen shot, cuddle Riley and then, on to Tom & Jan's for a holiday gathering of old friends. When T became tired, we retired... ahhhh this day is done.

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