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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Today is Friday, May 27th

Just got home from Stanford and put our dinner in the oven.  T says he'll eat and I'm ready to celebrate!  T has passed several milestones.  He walked into the Radiology Center in So. Palo Alto and the Cancer Center at Stanford today without the aid of a wheelchair!!! Holy Shit!!!  I was amazed!  This after I thought we'd have to cancel all apts today cause I overdosed him on laxatives...ai yi yi!!!  Thank God he got thru it all and we finally saw Bruno.  Now it's up to Dr. Wu whether he'll administer the next phase of this hellatious protocol BUT that next intravenous chemo doesn't start for 7 weeks!!!!  I feel like a huge weight has lifted at least for the time being... T has 2 types of chemo to ingest over the next month- 5 weeks and he sees Bruno again at the end of June and then.... and then...  we get a 3 week break!!!!!!!  No chemo for the entire 3 weeks!!!!  T gets to rest and as Bruno said "EAT & build up your strength!!!"   The one main prescription for the next 2 months is rest, recharge and eat!!!   Bruno also said "you need a break from us and we need a break from you"... I guess I got through....

I think I just got my 'mo' back....  I've been wearing Mom's ring and she's gotten me through the last few weeks and we're turning this ship around...  The anniversary of Mom's passing was yesterday.  I can't believe she's been gone 15 years...

Hayley graduated!  Beginnings and endings...that's life!

Thought I had a deal on 207 Toledo Dr. but the buyers & the sellers are too far apart... oh well... I think I'm gonna take it easy this weekend...  LOVE  to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Annie & T~

    Wahoo...glad that you get a break for the weekend. Eat, rest, relax and enjoy life!

    Always thinking and praying for you both!
    Love ya,
    Di Houghtaling
