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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today is Wednesday, June 15th

What a phenomenal day!!!  We prevailed and Neupogen delivered as promised!!!  YAHOO!!!!  No more trips to Stanford 'til July 1st!!!

Gorgeous day on the coast... it was actually hot today here after the fog lifted....After I spent some time catching up with clients,  I decided to celebrate all the good news by getting a pedicure...JBella Nails is the best!  Food shopping & back home again to see my T walking around the corner with Riley & one of his presents...OMG!!!  and then, a wonderful walk at Seacliff Beach Park with Marilyn & Riley...

We watched with utter delight tonight as the Boston Bruins just beat the hell out of the Canucks for the Stanley Cup!!!!   What a series!!!  I feel like Boston is the center of the universe!  and life is just beginning again for the McAnelli's!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is the best news so soo glad to here you prevailed with BS but not at all surprised, and Tracey keep up the walking its good for the body but even more so for the spirit. love you both Carla
