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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today is Wednesday, July 27th

Tuesday, I'd tried to donate an older camera to a colleague traveling to Zambia to teach tech skills to orphaned children with AIDS BUT T had already freecycled it.  He's been a freecycling maniac lately... don't know what he'll donate next...me?

Since I had another sleepless night, Wednesday started much later than normal... I finally fell asleep after writing my blog.  Missed the Breakfast with the Mayors.  I'm finding it very hard to keep focussed on anything or anyone other than Tracy and his needs.

Did some marketing stuff & paperwork, details kept me engaged.  Luckily, Jan came by to work on our bodies and after that, who cared?  Channel surfing we found the Gershwin Award to Sir Paul McCartney on PBS and we both were captivated.  Lots of Paul's songs interpreted by many fab artists at the White House.  Singing along with Paul, Elvis Costello, Stevie Wonder and many, many more lifted our spirits as only music can...

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