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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today is Wednesday, October 12th

What a gorgeous warm day on the coast!!!  We were determined to enjoy it and after meeting with my clients at 118 Granada Dr and fielding many phone calls... we were off!!

Tracy & Riley reveling in the surf
An otter and some dolphin played in the surf as Riley chased his ball relentlessly...

The sun took it's toll and we're all tired puppies this evening....

Check out this beautiful flower arrangement Cathy sent me
Cathy's thank you flowers

Not often that my clients appreciate the work I've done for them... Cathy does!  It's so wonderful to be appreciated!!!  Now I'd just like to see Bri & Angela happily start their life in their new home.... first things first.... next step: inspections as soon as we receive the written approvals.

Sweet dreams!


  1. What a great pic of the boys!!! Happy happy full moon :)

  2. this is what life is all about..... and for.. journey on!! keep it going!
