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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today is Tuesday, August 16th

 I learned something last night that warms my soul...  couldn't sleep after Jon Stewart & the Colbert Report so, I began reading.  It was 1:30AM and I knew my alarm would go off at 7AM.  Had to get up for Carole Radoni at our 9AM Sales Meeting & another real estate ongoing educational class in the afternoon, so I needed to sleep... but those eyelids just weren't drooping.  Finally, I confronted what's always there on my mind...Tracy.  I rolled over as I turned off the light and cuddled in to T...  next thing I know I'm hearing my alarm as I'm trying to suss out a great name for a schooner... Seasavage...Seaworthy? and advising on a hat for the captain... as we dock ...

go figure... all I had to do was cuddle with my honey and my soul would finally rest....


  1. Annie I reset my account but now I have to figure out why I am amomymous... Di.. Nice talking to you today!!! XXOO to T!

  2. Well - at least I can post again on this stupid PC at work!!!!! YEAH@
