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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is Wednesday, March 23rd

What a wickedly twisted world we're living in right now.. hee hee...  I'm very happy to report that T & I have made it through so far.  We journeyed to Stanford verry early this morning yet again so, T could get his labs done at 8AM and then, see Bruno.  While T went to the rest room, Bruno came in and made it abundantly clear that he had to eat (protein and needs potassium) and that if he kept going we'd see the light...oh Thank God!!!   Bruno kept razzing T about being old... but we know he's kidding T because he can take it and there's good news.... So,  T needed platelets today and the plan is:  this Fri. another shot of chemo and he'll need blood (the good news is we know ahead of time)... he starts neupogen shots today continuing 'til Bruno says stop.  Then, he returns for chemo next Fri. and sees Bruno on the 6th.  Next phase is 5 days of radiation repeated for 2 weeks plus chemo pills and weekly spinal taps.  Pray and surround T with all the healing light you can send him.  He's gonna beat this thing.

Yesterday,  Shar drove me to Cathy Sy's for relief of my earache and sore throat (I finally bore the brunt of no relief)... she adjusted me so well and prescribed rest, Zicam and a hot bath.  The Sorcenelli's drove T to his new oncologist, Dr. Wu for his initial visit and T was enthused by the possibility of being treated in Santa Cruz... We spoke to Bruno about it today and I have to pursue this next week.  Bruno was very encouraging about working with Michael Wu.  Light at the end of this interminable tunnel....

The Sorcenelli's returned to So. Carolina and Portland safely... we're home and I'm gonna take a bath...  Pat came up with some protein powder that T actually can tolerate as a smoothie with a banana.  Perfect!!!

Good news!!  Short sale accepted.  Now we just have to work out the timing.  Price reduction on 207 Toledo Dr. Rio Del Mar to 899K!!!

I sent this to the papers today.  I listen to NPR as we drive to Stanford daily and I'm sick of hearing about Libya...

We can't afford to get involved in another civil war.  We can't afford health care, schools, infrastructure in our own country!!!  I voted for Pres. Obama because I thought he'd take a stand for middle class Americans and finally we'd see some hope.  All I see is a quagmire of billowing debt and no relief for the middle class in sight.
It's a never ending hole that we're digging while the military complex sees billions of dollars in profits.
Pull out now from all military action!!!
Get back to talking instead of shooting!! 
If political campaigns were financed by the public instead of corporations;  politicians would find the heart to do the right thing by the middle class and rebuild America... from roads to schools to health care for all.
Now I'm gonna submerge myself in a hot bath....  Night all!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it sounds like hamburgers and bananas for Tracy. Not a bad diet.

    But it sounds like things are going in the right direction, which is wonderful.

    Have a good week!

    Love to you both

    Gary and Deanna
