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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday, October 30th

GOOD NEWS!!!!  What a strange play unfolding....
Tracy had started complaining about his hair hurting and his bones and joints and knees aching...  I was afraid.... and then, who would have thunk?  The Dr’s came in on morning rounds absent Bruno yesterday... Tracy told his tale of woe and the Drs all began to smile and then, they were beaming... and I’m thinking “what the hell?”   Well, the aches and pains indicate that T’s numbers are coming back... that he’s actually responding!!!!  Here we stood at Day 15 in hospital and Day 14 for treatment.  At approximately Day 22 of treatment, the decision for the need to transplant bone marrow is made.  Tracy’s white cell count at admittance was hardly worth noting... he had come all the way up to .7 !!!   I’m convinced that the treatment, the prayers, the love, the faith and the hopes of all of us have gotten Tracy to this point... PLEASE keep it coming!!!!
We’re going to make it and tho’ T’s losing his mane we won’t lose our man!!!!
The rest of the day was a blur... I went home by way of the Apple Genius Bar... no real help for my non-native apps... home to sleep ... I’d only slept about 3 hours Thurs. night.  Now I could rest... Tracy had a massage which he thoroughly enjoyed (thanks Ellen & Tery) and we both relaxed....

1 comment:

  1. Thats FANTASTIC News in light of everyting that I have been reading. Thanks so much for posting this blog and letting us know how Tracy is doing. God Bless you both. If there is anything that I can do, plase lt me know.? GO GIANTS !
    All of the love of my family, and our prayers go out to yours. We're pulling for you guys BIG TIME ! Steve Cobb
