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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today is Sat., January 28th

Serenaded outside the clinic

Our T

Stanford was an all day affair yesterday. Tracy was poked & prodded until they finally found a vein....poor guy. He's got the black & blues to show for it too. We met with a new fellow in clinic. Her name was at least 12 syllables and she was very thorough. It then took Bruno a long time to come in to speak to us & examine T. T's counts are lower than they'd like & kind of skewed. So they were going to forgo the chemo IV until we talked some more. T's sweats are a little worrisome along with the headaches. Has the leukemia reared it's ugly head yet again? Well, after we discussed the fact that T had had these night sweats for years before he was diagnosed & usually they came on when he overdid it; Bruno decided that an MRI was needed & that T shouldn't take any Methotrexate this month. He may have developed an intolerance for it. We'll see... In the meantime, we'll continue to enjoy this glorious sunshine on the central coast!

Oscar loves it... I finally took him home from the studio to grace our home....

He waits while I take multiple classes and test out attempting to satisfy the requirements for my license renewal.... stay tuned....

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