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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Today is Saturday, January 14th

The only way that Friday the 13th could have been any better is if the Niners had played yesterday and beat the Saints.... instead they did it today!!!! Wow!! I'm hoarse... and if I bit my nails there wouldn't have been any left to chew on...  What an amazing game... felt like the old days with Montana pulling it out in the last minute and 40 seconds.... only Alex did it for us!!!!   I can't believe it!!!  We're on our way....  the Patriots won too!!!  OMG!!!

Football heaven!!!  If only T didn't still have a headache... wondering if it could be the fireplace emissions in the area?  who knows?

Yesterday was my board meeting and then, the Santa Cruz Cty. Ass. of Realtors luncheon and my Sereno family was there in force to support my installation for the third year of service on the board.  Amazing...

Life is what we make it... I'm truly blessed....

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