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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Today is Saturday, January 21st

They say a picture tells a thousand words....

T & A upon arrival

AnneMarie & Vicki rocking out

Vicki, Buck, Me & Tracy
Tracy surprised me yesterday.  When I modeled what I was going to wear for him, he looked me in the eye and said he wanted to go... you could have knocked me over... I choked back tears of happiness and my man lay down for a nap until it was time to shower and get ready.  We dressed up for the occasion and Vicki & Buck picked us up...posed for a photo here at home and we were on our way...

What a fantastic party!! The venue was very cool and the food, open bar and entertainment was fabulous!!!  Vicki and I rocked out until my man finally got up and danced a couple with me...  as Linda said today,  Tracy gave me a phenomenal early Valentine gift of love by accompanying me to celebrate... when I repeated Linda's words to T,  his response was "Does that mean I don't have to get you a card?"

T paid for the party by having night sweats last night but this morning he decided it was worth it....

Open house today at 104 Angora Lane with 10 groups through... looks like we may have another offer coming through...hope it's enough to satisfy the bank...

Sweet dreams and GO NINERS!!!!!


  1. Great pics of a good lookin couple!

  2. You both look awesome!! Love, Toni

  3. Great story
    Great Pics
    What a way to spend your evening!

    thinking of you both.
    Jeannette Shaw
