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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Today is Tuesday, September 23rd

The last few days have been soooo interesting... had T been alive we would have discussed it ad infinitem.... I'm up and down every day and most days several times each way...

the last few days have been hard getting to sleep...especially after I decided to unpack T's suitcases and the boxes that housed all our photos and stuff... oh the heartache... he's only in the photos... I miss him soooo much...

driving home today... thinking I was hungry and wondering what T would want.... but T's not home...

a dear friend suggested I move up the memorial so I could deal with the folks who know and knew T....  I've been ruminating... just don't know anything so far... except it's not happening really soon

Please bear with me... life is dealing with plan B... and getting back to life?

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