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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Today is Sunday, June 8th

What a difference a week makes...  T is so much better today than even just a few days ago....

I spent all day yesterday and the bulk of the day today with Tracy and I'm sooo glad to say he's coming back.... no more hallucinations and T is the warrior once again... I must say this again... we are all connected and it keeps reoccurring...

So, I've moved 3x in the last week and finally, I'm settled in with Dinah & Sally in their warm, cozy home in Capitola.  I had moved in to Steve's vacant home ( another BMT candidate ) in our neighborhood and realized I was just too isolated.... a totally zen beautiful home ...but after staying one night at Steves & then staying the night of our book club meeting with Dinah & Sally, realized it would be lovely to be nurtured before the next phase of this odyssey and Dinah & Sally were willing... ahhh... life is amazing and I feel T & I are really blessed with real true friends.  I hadn't seen Alan & our boy, Riley in several days and upon finally seeing them on Fri.; I am convinced we are truly blessed.

So, after helping T shower both days and making sure he did his mouth rinse several times both days & rubbed cream into his arms and legs;  I feel like I'm capable to care for T going forward.  The real issue will be if graft to host disease surfaces but we'll meet that head on and deal... WE ARE WARRIORS!!!

I am rested and strong again and tomorrow I will deal with all the details I've been neglecting... life is unfolding...

so, small world stuff:   I was Facetime ing T the night at Steve's from the couch in the living room.  I love couches, especially when snuggling with mom's afghan.  I happened to show him the room when he said " that's Betsy's painting over the fireplace"... turns out the whole family took classes with Betsy, our art studio guru.

Then, today the nurses changed right before I left and we got to talking.  Turns out she is married to our favorite Dr. Wu!!!!!  Hugs and wonderful feelings and I left our T in great hands...

Keep that white light streaming...

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