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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Today is Monday, June 23rd

This says it all:

Numbers are coming up slowly, but surely and T is finding his sea legs...  I'm finding mine too...

Took a walk before T got out of bed this morning... felt so good to stretch my legs...   He's napping now so, I can thank all of you for helping us to get settled.... and Jayne, you came to our rescue Fri. evening... I couldn't open a jar of preserves for  a PB& J ... had loaded up on Gidzich Farms before we left (T loves it) and I even thought about running across the street to the park and asking for help... Jayne stopped to get those rubber thingies to open a stubborn jar and a new gadget that worked!!!  plus bologna and mustard so, I could tempt T to eat... a fried bologna sandwich!  half a sandwich down...

Stanford on Sat.... as always, hurry up and wait... I was reassured by the nurse that it was ok to have them reschedule us from Mon to Tues for our next apt... Jessica explained that T's numbers were better and they were swamped tho' she related to my insecurity...  she had felt the same way when she had her first baby and was discharged to care for her on her own...  sleep heals and we're both catching up.... tho' T has started to call me 'the mad chemist' and 'nurse Ratchit'  since I administer the many meds thruout the day and keep prodding him to get up and move around in addition to bathing him....
ah life.... T is creeping back into his body...

Sunday, Carla and Dayna stopped by for a visit... and then, Deanna and Gary brought us dinner... homemade Italian soup that I'd planned to make instead luckily,  delivered complete with Italian bread, dessert and wine.... WOW!!!   We watched US vs Portugal in the World Cup ---- what a game!!!  Thanks Lou for teaching me some of the nuances of the game last week!  much more enjoyable when you understand how it's played...  wonderful day!!

 I'm glad we have the day off from Stanford today... I've been working on several clients' needs and next is the medical insurance stuff we have to make decisions on altho' truthfully... here I am... writing my blog instead... ok I'll get to it right now....

Keep surrounding our guy with that white healing light please....

1 comment:

  1. Pictures tell a thousand words. He's looking good. So so happy for you both. We will keep the white light shining and you keep up the good work Nurse Ratchit...
    Love & Peace,
