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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Today is Monday, Memorial Day, May 26th

It's also 18 years ago today Mom left us... I feel her everywhere today as I am teary eyed...

T is feeling punky due to the sloughing off of dead cells as the Drs remark he's progressing nicely...

I was able to visit with Toni & Sonny as Toni endured the harvesting of T's salvation... Toni is very brave and our angel giving life to our T.  We are so very blessed and thankful...

Sonny & Toni

Toni, our Angel
Tomorrow is the big day - Transplant - the beginning of his new life due to Sis's life giving immune system...  Toni came by after the harvest.

Tracy & Toni after the harvest

I was able to spend a few hours with T this afternoon and even cuddled after everyone left.


Tracy's motto is one we could all live by:

"  Keep a smile on your face

    and a smile in your heart

    Don't be an ASSHOLE !!!"

That's all she wrote....

Happy Memorial Day !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics... so much love and devotion. Makes my heart smile. :o) We are keeping the bright light and prayers streaming your way. Love to you both. XXX OOO
