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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Today is Saturday, May 2nd

Ahhh life with a capital L.  I'm emerging and the ? is who am I?  I've become pretty busy which is amazing and good, interesting and causing me to truly look at how I'd like to play out the rest of my time on this earthly plane.  

I find I’m very tired and trying to balance work with some personal time in-between physical therapy for my knee, Riley's needs and exhaustion… ha!  mostly, I collapse and succumb to rest.  Time to build up my reserves again.

I started a singing class with one of my widow friends - Community Singing at Capitola Rec. 2 weeks ago.  At first I didn’t like it, but last week I turned the corner.  We sang a Donovan tune in rounds and then, Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the Iz mode - one of Tracy's favorites... found myself in tears and then, I sang with all the rest.  Expanding my chest and using my body to express my feelings...ahhhh

I am being taken out for dinner this evening by my very happy clients.  Closed 1920 Maciel Ave. Santa Cruz this week - after 2.5 years. It was a supreme test of all my senses and experience, but my very happy client is why I do this work.  

Open house on my listing in Boulder Creek tomorrow. Check out this tricked out home:

Moving along slowly uncovering who I am...  such a journey and I truly believe that grief is a spiral staircase.  A song - a cut from Santana's "Supernatural" sent me into sobs a few days ago... T and I would dance to it whenever we heard it... or then, the view of the ocean or a memory will trigger a happy engulfing feeling for having known him....

One thing I know:  I'll never forget him or us....

Love to you all!!!

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