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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Today is Monday, February 2nd

Evolving as I surf the waves... realizing that everyone experiences loss... no one gets out unscathed... believe it or not that's allowed me to take a step back... I'm breathing again... and finally finding empathy and sympathy for others plights...  as I roll...

lots going on over the last few days...huge client disappointment/betrayal on to group therapy then, Vick & Buck took me to the Sereno celebration at the new Levi stadium and we kicked up our heels! Fuhgeddaboudit!!!  To dance, eat and enjoy an evening with friends was pure joy...shed a few tears in remembrance of past times with my great dancer T...

Reviewed offers on my listing on Sat.... been working this listing since July of 2013... am so thankful that my client is about to get everything she'd hoped for... so sad that the only person I wanted to share the long awaited win with is no longer here to celebrate....

Super Bowl Sunday at the Whitnicks... a chance to see a pretty good game surrounded by great friends/family, food and laughs... and the Patriots lucked out!!!

Loaded Riley into the blue bomber;  met the new plumber who finally fixed the shower issues at the occupied rental today;  then met my client to write her multiple counter offer;  came home to do the books and finally, to collapse...

 T used to tell me he loved me like a big dog... I miss him even more...

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