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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

today is Thursday

My first blog:  Woohoo!  Tracy set it up and since I couldn't sleep;  I thought why not?

I'm gonna post my feelings as I watch the sunrise on this glorious Thursday.  This has been my toughest real estate year yet but I feel it's turning around and I'm welcoming the turns.  I sure hope the Dems can pull it out!  Pres. Obama finally came out swinging and we sure needed to hear that!  We dems, are just too nice!  It's time to take the gloves off and say it like we mean it!  
I've been writing these letters - pleas really and sending them to the editors of the San Jose Mercury News & the Santa Cruz Sentinel and before that, to the Los Gatos Weekly for years now.  I had to get it out and hadn't found the venue until a few years ago.  A producer from KUSP saw one and called me.  I've been a guest speaker on First Person Singular on KUSP, our NPR station, for several years now.  It helps me cope with the frustration I feel as an ordinary self employed citizen.  I've done lots of pieces and I will be on 88.9 KUSP @7:30- 7:40 AM & 4:30-4:40 PM on the 15th with another piece.  I should have the mp3 soon and I'll post it but here's what I said:

The party of change is a victim of it’s own inability to celebrate victory 
and actually move forward.  They don't seem to be able to get a positive 
message out at all. The fact that "our" government is paralyzed by 
the tea party and the party of NO is ridiculous and unacceptable.  The 
Republicans seem to be able to monopolize the media  with bigoted spiels 
disguised as news.
  The promised health care reform doesn't seem to translate to any real 
protection from predatory practices. My health insurance was increased 
40% last year and it's being increased another 13% this month.  I'm tired 
of being squeezed as a part of the middle class. As a self employed citizen 
I’m having trouble believing I’m going to survive this mess.  Our 
Congressional representatives and state politicos will be getting paid and 
their medical benefits will be taken care of for life.  Politicos have no real 
incentive to help the middle class except to collect endorsements,  
campaign contributions and hence, win re-election.  
We, in turn keep hoping for change.  Since industry sponsors write bills and 
"our" representatives act as shills to pass those bills;  our government has 
become a servant of industry.   Most people have lost faith.  How do 
we truly change the system?

1 comment:

  1. This blog is very much up your alley! Good for you, Anne Marie!
