... two days seems like forever... keep expecting to hear his voice ...feel his arms around me as only he could comfort me... we always looked forward... I cherish our memories...
words to describe Tracy James McAvoy, the love of my life... my rock... the man who always challenged never threatened...unbridled curiosity...never afraid to speak his mind to honor his principles... artist and musician... undaunted love of the sea and it's creatures and every person no matter shape or size... loyalty, honesty and deep respect his trademarks... he never gave up on a friend or a goal or a puzzle.. his arms opened wide to embrace all of us... the gentle giant with that deep sexy gravelly purr...
never met a problem he couldn't figure out and solve except Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia...
but indeed he gave it his all...
Glider Ride for Tracy's 60th |
T & A Kauai 9/13 |
A Skunk in the Art Shack |
Stanford 12/13 |
Robben Ford at Kuumbwa 1/14 |
Transplant prep 2014 |
Our Bad Boy |
Beautiful words you've shared about Tracy. Sending hugs and love.