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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Today is Thursday, February 13th, 2025

 In reading "An Unfinished Love Story"  I came across this passage:

"Some have called upon us to mute or stifle dissent in the name of patriotism and the national interest.  It is an argument that monstrously misconceives the nature and process and the greatest strength of American democracy....It is not our privilege but our duty as patriots, to write, to speak, to organize, to oppose any President and any party and any policy at any time which we believe threatens the grandeur of this nation and the well being of its people.  This is such a time."

       an excerpt from Dick Goodwin's speech to the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) on September 17, 1966... in opposition to the American escalation of the Vietnam War.

Funny how it's really timeless and how appropriate it is today...

We are faced with an increasingly fraught situation... an unhinged resentful President set on personal revenge aided and abetted by his henchmen and set on destroying our Democracy and the rule of Law.  We CANNOT just sit idly by and watch the dumpster fire.  We MUST stand up in direct opposition.  We must call out exactly what it is... clearly Trump wants to be a King and Musk is his chief Oligarch Henchman systematically doing the actual destruction.  

It's time to ACT!!!! Organize, demonstrate... FIGHT!!!

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