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Concerned Citizen and a Serial Entrepreneur wrapped in a progressive democratic soul longing for us all to get along.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Today is Tuesday, March 24th 2020

 It's been a very long time but I'm finally realizing that writing shall set me free... We're in some crazy freaking times, folks.  All these new terms we're now recognizing and acknowledging - Pandemic; sheltering in place; social distancing.....

I was supposed to have been in Florida visiting my family      (March 14-21) this past week.  Canceled my trip while packing and listening to t rump announce the National Emergency.  Up to that moment, I’d been convinced that I’d be safe traveling.  Now, absolutely forced to acknowledge the new reality:  precarious nature of travel - the Petri dish ✈️... it was time to give in and heed my intuition and my friends/families' advise and cancel my trip.  

So instead, I've been sheltering in place.... reading the beginning of the Jesse Stone series by Robert Parker plus quite a lot of stuff that was ignored by my bedside; playing Words with Friends; streaming; calling friends and listening; texting, and walking.... frustrated by the hoarding mentality and loss of control looking for the release of laughter and music. 

On St. Patty’s day, rather than celebrating with my Irish in-laws in Florida;  I ventured out to our newest Aptos Village Organic grocery store, New Leaf and did a little shopping.  It was quiet, clean and anxiety free for me; devoid of the big box mentality.  Ended up marinating and grilling a filet mignon, baked a purple yam (my first but definitely not my last- yum!) added a salad and paired it with a fine Cabernet...mmmmmm. 

 Took a 4.5 mile walk at Seacliff with Jan on Saturday... 

that’s been my week....  I miss hugs and the wonderful social gatherings on our Monday hikes!!!! 

We must find a way to thwart the anxiety and bleak nature of facing down this pandemic... we're all in it together and all anyone will remember when this is over is the way we've treated each other...smile, live the golden rule and WASH your hands!!!!

Love, peace and health to you all ❤🙏🏻💕💋🤟

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